

It has only been the last year or so that we have been able to take K out in public with out her getting too stimulated and melting down.  It is just way too scary for her.

Today I had to go to Grand Junction to get a few things for work tomorrow.  K is a really good road trip partner.  She could drive and drive for days and not have a problem.  It is when we get there that we have problems.

As long as we were in the big city we decided to stop by walmart. LOL!  K did really well.  She was happy, held my hand and stopped every so often to give me a kiss.  When we were in the garden center we passed a nice lady.  I didn't think too much about it.  Later while we were looking for the OJ that Jim likes We saw her again.  That happens...

Then I became aware that this lady was staring at us and maybe following us a little.  We are used to people staring.  That is no problem.  I can honestly say no one has ever followed us.  They always want to get out of our way.

After we had gone down a few isles I said Hi to her.  She grabbed my hand and said  "I just think you are the most beautiful family.  Everyone should be so happy."

It made me tear up a little.  I told her it was the best compliment ever  and we talked a while.

It totally WAS the best compliment! 

I can't tell you how many times I have left a store crying because K was screaming and some one decided to tell me how I am a bad mom...

Thanks Miss Barbara!  You made my day. xoxo


Katie said...

I just love people that have the courage to say things like that. I think those things all the time, but I rarely tell the person I'm thinking it about. I'm not brave like that, but I think those people who do say it kind of change the world for a minute. I love that.

Katie said...

The word verification for my last post was "Flabee"! I'm trying to not take it personally:(

Bobbi said...

Hee hee... you are not flabee! You are P90Xie.