

What a good couple of days I have had!  I have REALLY been working hard, but all the clients old friends and new have been just amazing.  The salon has been filled with flowers and laughter.  Jim even has been friendly and just chatted with my clients....  in 10 years he has never just came in the salon and relaxed.  It was great to have my friends see why I love him so much.

When My Mom brought Kalista home she was able to stay for a minute and even took a walk with me.   That is the biggest treat ever!  If you know my mom, you know how busy she is.  I was  thrilled to get her to my self for a little while.

All night and I do mean All night my Angel has been kissing and kissing me.  They are the kind of kisses where she is laughing a little so she can't pucker her lips.....  the very best kind. 

So nothing big has happened....  but it seems we are just in a really good flow right now and I am grateful.

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