
Fisher tower

 Yesterday was so fun.  My mom and sister came over and we all went on an adventure.  We went to the river bridge and we were going to have a little picnic there....  but the wind was crazy and cold.

So we just plopped some rocks over the edge because Kalista thinks that is the funnest thing ever.  (((even if it is freezing)))

Ethan is my favorite nephew!  I just can't express how much I love him.   He is so helpful and kind to Kalista.  I think he was looking rather handsome and happy yesterday.

Adia is my favorite too!  I am always shocked that we can't see her wings...   gorgeous and graceful in every way.  she is a fairy if I ever saw one.

I was lucky enough to get to set by her in the car.

Just a quick picture looking out the widow at the river as we drove by.  ICE!!!  It is really ice!

We drove all the way out to Fisher tower.   It is just stunning.  Photos can't capture how small you feel when you look up at it.  Ethan was already figuring out a way to climb it.  If anyone has that much energy I bet it is him.

Kalista is a good road tripper but wasn't that impressed by the tower.   She also didn't think the stream we stopped by was as fun to plop rocks in as the river.   I bet on a warm day it would be awesome.  We will defiantly have to come back this way.

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