

My Angel has been sick for over 2 weeks now.  Just a little virus that has been going around town.  She has been sleeping and sleeping.

It is so weird!

It is really common for autistic Angels not to sleep at all.  I joke that we haven't slept in 6 years.... and it isn't a joke.  so I am grateful that she is getting rest.  That means so am I. 

Melatonin works for some Angels, but not for K.  It gives her a migraine.
Lavender oil helps some.  (she thinks it stinks so she will no relax)
A bed time routine works well for "typical kids".  If you know anything at all about Angels you know that everything is a routine.  Even not sleeping???

So my best advice is to take care of your self.  Eat well and stay healthy because life with an Angel will test your endurance.  Then enjoy the moments of rest like you just won the lottery! 

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