

The other day I was in the kitchen an I heard a huge ruckus outside. When I went to the window there were about 50 happy black birds playing in the wet grass. When I looked closer I could see that there was a bright blue parakeet in the flock. I did a double take and then grabbed my camera.
I was so amazed and enchanted by this little bird. The symbolism struck me deep in my heart.
Having autism is like being the blue parakeet.

Beautiful Angel Child of mine.....It may always be difficult for you to blend into the crowd.
Clearly, you are special and unique.
You have spent so many years locked up in your own world and it is scary to let others in or to venture out into their world.
There are so many things you are unsure of and still you try your best.
It is True that you are special and everyone around you is here to help you succeed.
It is not your fault that you were born a radiant blue in a world full of shades of grey.
Never hide your light! Please know that by just being who you are you give such JOY to everyone who really sees you.
Thank you for coming to me.
Now spread your wings and I will help you fly.

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