
Doctor appointment

This week we had an appointment with Doctor Don.  He is the only person who has been able to help us unlock autism and get to the heart of Kalista.

We (((LOVE))) him.

Usually he comes to the house because going in public is too hard for Kalista and he needs to see her in a relaxed state.  It is SO amazing to me that there are still doctors that make house calls.

This week, however, we were able to see him in his office.

Kalista was quiet and happy in the waiting room.  She didn't care that much when a stranger sat next to us.  She was a little nervous when we went into his office but she sat down and was able to calm down.  The appointment lasted a hour and she was great the hole time. She even told Don she loved him on the way out.

It is a miracle.  A really real miracle that we can do things like that now and I am so grateful.

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