
rabbit soup!

 I was cleaning the bathroom when I heard Kalista laughing and laughing.  She was getting more and more excited and so I had to go find out what was so cool.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw her peaking into the microwave.  She was flapping so hard I thought she would lift off the ground.

On closer inspection I could see that she had put pink rabbit peeps in the microwave!  They were getting B.I.G. and that was REALLY exciting.

So what do you get when you microwave peeps???
Rabbit soup of coarse!

The two on the edges exploded and the one in the middle is still hanging on...

Now is the fun part...  the plopping.  this takes about 20 to 30 minutes before she gets tired of it.

and there you have it!  Rabbit soup.

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