
Kalista catch up!

Sorry I have been missing in action for so long.  I don't have a good excuse  just a lot going on this time of year and I haven't been able to look at a computer screen for too long because of a broken nose causing bad headaches.

So, here is a quick run down of all the cool stuff Kalista has been doing the last couple months.

Grandpa Dale turned 80 and had a party!  We got to squeeze Aunt Kathy and Danielle....and Kalista LOOOOOVES  Danielle.  I was really surprised how brave she was.  She went into a new building an met new people with out a meltdown.... just a whole lot of happy stimming.  =)  The next night she was able to go to the party and even stayed there for a couple hours.  Amazing Amazing! 

The next week Jim's parents had their 50th wedding anniversary party.  Kalista was able to come for the last of it and seemed to like it thanks to Aunt Carol having the ice cream  all ready for her.  It really is a miracle that she didn't meltdown there because almost every else was right on the edge including me.  (Jim left me alone with a bunch of strangers for hours and my autism behaviors were peaking out.)

The Easter bunny came and made a big mess in our house.....  Now we remember why we don't like that bad bunny!   He brings the gift of OCD cleaning!   Now I cant find anything that wasn't nailed down.

Kalista took her UAA testing and was a Rock Star.  The UAA test is what they give angels instead of the standardized test.  Her Teacher Miss Tabitha came to the house and gave it to her.  I was worried (as always) that K wouldn't like her.  It is always so great to have those over with.  I always feel like they are really testing if I home schooled her or not.  

Kalista turned 12!!  Can you believe it?   I have no idea where the years went.  She has been walking around telling me that she is a "Woman" now.  I don't know why but that make me laugh so much.  She is getting into doing her hair and makeup now.  I remember when I turned 12 I was allowed to ware makeup and to shave my legs and I was really excited about that.  It does my heart good to see Kalista having some "normal" behaviors.   Also, what better gift to give me?  Now I can finally do her hair after all these years.... even if she has to tweak it herself after I am done.  We had a quiet party with the people she loves most and she had a good time.  Ice cream at the fish pond is just about as good as it gets for her.

We have taken all the decorative gravel out of the back yard... Oh my Gosh that was hard work.  Then we hauled in topsoil and peat moss and planted grass.  It will be so nice when it gets established.  In the back corner Kalista and I are trying to do a little garden.  It is a good thing that we live in the desert because the girl takes her job watering seriously.  =)  It has been super fun seeing all the plants pop up.  Now I am thinking that we may have planted too much but I was not in charge of the seeds.

Kalista has been sleeping more and talking more.  The other day I ask her how she was feeling and she said "Safe".  What more could a mom want?  Life has been really good.

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