

Today Kalista was in the kitchen making a smoothie.   She has a cute little blender that is just big enough to make 1 smoothie at a time. We decided a log time ago that a tiny blender with only one button on it was the best thing for all of us.  (so I don't end up drinking lots of extra Experimental concoctions)

Kalista mush have made thousands of smoothies in her life.  She loves to blend up stuff.  Some turn out good like strawberry banana.  Some are "not the favorite" like kale peach tomato.   "Not the favorite" by the way means "bad bad bad".

Today K was making banana OJ which is actually pretty good.  For some reason she blended it and took of the lid and looked in....  and pushed the button one more time for good measure.

Yep, you guessed it.  She had banana smoothie all over her face and she was mad at me for it.  I was laughing so hard and I think she thought I did it to her some how.   She grabbed me and put her hand over my mouth.  "ssshhhhh.... quiet!" she says.   Now we both had a banana facial and it was NOT funny.....