

Oh my goodness, I have neglected my Angel journal again. 

We have been too busy playing outside now that it has cooled off a bit.  School has started again and Kalista is loving it.  She really thrives on the structure.  We have the same speech therapist and we are really happy about it because Birgit is amazing.  Our OT this year is new but we are all getting used to each other.  She seems to be really good.

This week we had our appointments with the doctors from the university of Utah.  They have been following Kalista from the time she was 3 years old.  the first years were really intense because K would scream bloody murder the entire time.  Kalista has really matured the last few years and it is a much nicer experience now.  I was so so proud of her.  She sat really well for 2 hours and was happy the whole time.  She showed off how well she can write her name now and taught the doctors how to sign "play" and "bugs".   =D

Right now it is after 11pm nd we are having an "up all night move marathon".  I hope it doesn't last all night but we will see.  Sleep is still like a myth or a legend.....  I believe in it but it is always just out of my grasp.

I'll be better at journaling.  for now here are a couple of pictures of my girl being happy in the fresh air.

Riding the 4wheeler on the mountain.

Playing at the fish pond.

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